stack2White Plum is an online clothing store that occasionally offers highly discounted grab bag deals as a way to move clearance merchandise. They promise 3 clothing items and one accessory for $7.99, + $6 shipping (if you don’t order up to the $50 minimum for free shipping).

They were out of my size when I went to order but my sister was able to get one. This is what she received, and her thoughts/review. Thanks Brigitte!

white-plum-grab-bag-1First up: Yellow striped tunic: Cherish “The tunic is flattering and comfortable in sort of an odd fabric that reminds me of little kid footie pajamas. I’ll wait till spring to wear this but will get a lot of use out of it then before it gets too hot out here in LA. It’s very oversized for a size small which I like for something like this.”

white-plum-grab-bag-53 plain scoop neck t-shirts: Heart & Hips (two black, one grey/buff color) “A cute cut and I will definitely use them. To be honest plain t-shirts are not the kind of thing I would typically want from a clothing club like this, but these are cute and for the price I am happy I got these.”

white-plum-grab-bag-3Brass pendant necklace “Not my typical style but I’ve already worn it twice. I like the long chain length and the heftiness of it.”

Summary: She got 4 clothing items instead of 3, so that was a bonus, but two were identical and the tees are cute but plain. More of a staple than something with a style like you’d hope for in a grab bag. But while nothing is amazing nothing is a complete bust either, so overall for the $14 price tag ($7.99 + $6 s/h) it was a win. We’ll see when they come up for sale again if she gets another one (I’m still thinking I’d like to try it!).

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