Walmart-Beauty-Box-Review-September-2015The Walmart Beauty Box is a quarterly subscription box (about every 3 months) filled with various beauty supplies in a mix of full sizes and samples.

Walmart-Beauty-Box-Fall-2015It costs $5 w/free shipping (I think technically the box is free and the $5 is to cover shipping), and rumor has it the box is very generally customized based on age (they ask for your birthday at signup).

Walmart-Beauty-Box-Unboxing-SeptemberThe unboxing! Here’s what I got:

Walmart-Beauty-Box-DeoderantDove Advanced Care Deodorant (travel size) I’m not picky about deodorant, so this will get used. It will be nice to have on hand for trips.

Walmart-Beauty-Box-ROCRoc Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Serum (full size) Haven’t tried this yet but definitely will use it! This is the big item that “makes the box” this time ($16 value).

Walmart-Beauty-Box-RazorSchick Hydro Silk Disposable Razor (x1) I used cheapie disposables usually and wow, this one is nice in comparison. Very smooth and luxurious to use, and really does a good job.

Walmart-Beauty-Box-VolumizerJohn Frieda Luxurious Volume 7-Day Treatment (Deluxe sample) Received this exact same sample in a Target box recently and am glad to see it again because I really love it! It works great.

Walmart-Beauty-Box-ACTACT Advanced Care Frosted Mint Mouthwash (Deluxe sample) Not exciting, and we don’t need it (my husband buys mouthwash in bulk, ha) but again, great to have on hand for travel.

Walmart-Beauty-Box-CurelCurel Rough Skin Rescue Lotion (Deluxe sample) I always like mini tubes of lotion in theory, mostly because they make such cute samples, but in reality I’m pretty much overrun with hand and body lotion all the time, and this isn’t anything special scent-wise. A bit of a bust.

Walmart Beauty-Box-NiveaNivea Extended Moisture Body Lotion (sample) More lotion! It’s that time of year I guess. :)

Walmart-Beauty-Box-CrestCrest 3D White Brilliance Tooth Whitening System (sample) I’m not really into tooth whitening but this will be fun to use.

Summary: Happy! The Roc Deep Wrinkle Serum covers the cost of the box for me, plus the razor and John Frieda voluminizer are already actively being used. Definitely worth the price tag.

Interested in the Walmart Beauty Box? You can sign up at


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